Form vs. Function, round 2

Posted by Ace on July 23rd, 2008 filed in letters from Ace

Aaaaargh!  The Kool-Aid is killing me!

Okay, maybe it’s not killing me.  But it is poisoning me.  I’m working on bringing the Spilt Wine portion of the site on-line (not terribly difficult, since the starting content of it is near-identical to the content of the recipes section of my previous site.)  And what should I find myself thinking as I look down the index of recipes, but, “Hmmm.  Center justified and listed alphabetically by author.  That doesn’t make much sense anymore, not without the journal entries explaining who all these people are.  It should be indexed by food type!  And searchable, probably.  And-  linkable.  Like it would be if I…  if I…  threw this whole section out, and just integrated it into Word Press with the journal entries.”

And if I can do that with the recipes, of course, I could certainly do it in 10 seconds flat with my paltry handful of site links.  And also probably the artwork.  And with the Archives, too, provided that I wanted to sit around copying and pasting for long enough.  Meaning that there wouldn’t be any need for a separate Main Index.  Nor for that lovely little Flash film I spent so long working on and like so much.

Never! /Ace shakes his fist at the heavens

In the meantime:  if you’re not terribly concerned with whether function wins over form, please feel free to pick out your favorite recipe [pomegranate pie?], and mail it to me via recipes [at] interregnum [dot] amberhorizon [dot] com. I will happily stick your pseudonym on the front of it and put it up with the rest of them.  Wherever that happens to wind up being.

The hoodies and I finally have all our linking books synched up for the con in Alleghera this weekend.  Wish me luck!

One Response to “Form vs. Function, round 2”

  1. Ace Says:

    The e-mail address described in the above post has been deactivated. Send your recipes to Spilt Wine & Sticky Rice instead! (link in the Navigation sidebar, above)