How’s That Workin’ Out For You?

Posted by Ace on April 14th, 2011 filed in Dragonia, Second Life

We arrived too late.

Har har har!  Of course we didn’t.  There was never anyone to save to begin with.  (And really:  if you feel you have time to write in blood on the walls during the Zombie Apocalypse, you have serious [probably terminal] resource-management issues.)  No, this is a WIP shot of the inside of a building Dragonia was building for a Second Life hunt.  (I believe it’s actually the Zombie Killers Hunt, although don’t hold me to that.)  I gave her a hand with some of the textures.

The finished version wound up looking even better than this.  Lots of fun.

3 Responses to “How’s That Workin’ Out For You?”

  1. Neuro Says:

    Zombies? We have a Democrat in the White House. I thought now’s the years for vampires, href=”” right?

  2. Neuro Says:

    Garbled link, sorry. And now are the years. Or now is the time. Or whatever–the zombies don’t care. Anyway:

  3. Ace Says:


    How does the zombie TV show “The Walking Dead” fit into all this though, which certainly started during the Obama administration? And the vampire TV show “True Blood” on HBO?

    Maybe TV shows are an indication of which party controls Congress…